Mon 23rd Sep 2019
JP Ruuskanen to speak at global IP Summit in Helsinki
Sectors: Life sciences and health, Software patents
On 23 October 2019, JP Ruuskanen will be representing Page White and Farrer at the Helsinki IP Summit in Finland and discussing Brexit and intellectual property rights.

He will be speaking to attendees from all areas of intellectual property, including business leaders, start ups and academics.
Other confirmed speakers include:
- Ilkka Rahnasto, senior vice president at Marconi;
- Marina Vahtola, partner and chairman of the board at Chain Invest;
- Johanna Jäkälä, vice president of brand, marketing and loyalty at Finnair;
- Judge Jussi Karttunen of Market Court, Finland;
- Anna Haapanen, senior associate at Roschier Attorneys Ltd;
- Virpi Tognetty, director of Kemira; and
- Eeva Hakoranta, senior vice president of intellectual property at Nokia.
Seminar topics to be explored include:
- artificial intelligence, blockchain technology and big data;
- the gaming industry – e-sports, software and IP;
- intellectual property possibilities in technology cross over;
- morality and sustainability in brand building; and
- life science and wellbeing.
For more information about the Helsinki IP Summit, please visit their website:
This briefing is for general information purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice relating to your particular circumstances. We can discuss specific issues and facts on an individual basis. Please note that the law may have changed since the day this was first published in Sep 2019.